Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Our First Family Holiday in the Isle of Wight

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first family holiday
Do you remember the first family holiday you took?

Our first family holiday after Nye was born, was to Center Parcs when he was just one year old.  It seems like such a long time ago now, but it was memorable in so many ways.

I remember the build up, once the booking was confirmed, dreaming about all the things we’d do together, relaxing nights around the fire and days splashing about in the pool.  Even though it was January I remember the crisp weather that the beginning of the year brings and how lovely it was just to get away for a few days.

Roll on a year and we are preparing to take our first family holiday with Evie.  She will be 9 months old as we venture to the ever so exotic Isle of Wight. (We’re a tad behind on the whole passport ordering).

How to travel in the car with under 3’s.

  • When we travel we tend to plan things so that the majority of the journey is taken up with the children’s naps.  It’s only an hour and a half to Southampton ferry port from our house, so as long as we leave after the children have had a busy morning we should be close to stopping.
  • We then factor in some out of car time, before the second leg.  Food, movement and fresh air all seem to help!  Now Nye is older, when he does wake up we can usually get by, taking song requests and just chatting about what we can see out of the window.
  • We also like to pack a small bag with a colouring book, crayons and snacks for when we are travelling with our toddler.  This also works well in cafe’s and restaurants to keep them entertained.  We like Pink Lining ones, especially the exceedingly cute Robbie the Robot Mini Rucksacks which are the perfect lining

Family Activities in the Isle of Wight

  • Dinosaur Isle
  • Blackgang Chine
  • The Chocolate Apothecary, Ryde
  • The Garlic Farm, Newchurch
  • Catch, Fish and Chip Shop, Yarmouth
  • Ventnor Haven Fishery
  • Stockbridge Farm Shop, PO36 0QA

 Anyone got any tips for things to do with a 9 month old and a 2 1/2 year old in the Isle of Wight?

Post in collaboration with Pink Lining, all thoughts words and opinions my own.