Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

We wish you a Merry Christmas


SONY DSCMerry Christmas to you all!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely day, whether at home or with family and friends.  We spent this year at home just the four of us after an epic drive through the storms on Monday.  We have all had a lovely day of stocking emptying, wrapping paper ripping, fizz sipping, turkey feasting, baby cuddling and sofa lounging.

Aneurin is now tucked up in bed after a very busy day.  He was very lucky to receive a whole host of amazing gifts, but his favourites have definitely been some extra train track bits, his new pens and crayons, a harmonica and a  cow hopper.

Here are a few pictures from our day.  Yes our house is still a mess but today, I kind of don’t care.