Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 4/52

January 27, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 7 Comments

Living Arrowsliving arrowsYour imagination takes over our home.  I saw this car sitting on the rug in your sisters room yesterday as I sat there feeding her, settling her cries as you slept in the room next door.  Then everything is tranquil, all I hear are newborn snuffles and gulping.  But even when you are not with us, you are on my mind and leaving us reminders that you and your imagination will be back soon.

living arrowsI took this photo just after I took the one above, as I held you in my arms sitting on the floor of your bedroom.  I love the time we have together, strangely I do not get chance to cherish it as much as I would like.  There is so much to be done, not least the mountains of washing to fold and put away.  If you were to zoom out of this picture you would see piles of it sitting in your cot neatly folded.  For now it can wait.