Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 8/52

February 24, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 6 Comments

It’s been half term this week and we have been enjoying spending some quality family time together with your friends and family.  Yesterday was the last day before daddy went back to work, and you enjoyed lounging on the sofa with him watching Shrek, and then came outside to help me do some digging and watering.  I told you that before you could come outside you needed your shoes, so you decided to steal one of mine instead.  I admit it did make me laugh.  You are growing more persistent and developing your own wants and desires, you flatly refuse to wear your new shoes always asking for ‘brown shoes’ and today even had an opinion on which jumper you wore.  I’m kind of used to making all these decision for you, I think I will be on a steap learning curve.

Living Arrows SONY DSCDaddy has loved cuddling you this week, he misses you very much when he is at work.  Thankfully we do get time to spend all together during the holidays and cherish those moments, stopping to admire every inch of your tiny body.  You are a massive lover of water, even when your brother splashes you in the face you still kick and laugh with your eyes wide open taking everything in.  Nothing seems to phase you, you look to us for reassurance if something startles you and just by looking into your eyes and smiling you know everything is ok.  Your brother is your favourite person, he makes you giggle and grin. Whenever you wake up, day or night he says ‘morning baby’ over and over and does a little dance.  Your weight has been troubling me, but the health visitors don’t seem worried, you look happy and healthy and are gaining rolls of fat under your chin and on your hands.  I love your hands, the way they grip on to me tight, strong even though they are so very small.

The February Garden 2014

February 13, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 7 Comments

SONY DSCI spotted some beautiful sunshine on Tuesday afternoon and ran out while both children were sleeping. (Maybe it was a miracle!)  The garden is still teasing me, showing me all the signs that there will soon be spring flowers everywhere but not yet showing any of the imminent colour.  The lavender and foxglove seeds I planted are yet to sprout so I am hesitant to start planting anything else.  I think I will see what more the weather has in store for us.

I feel very grateful that although the weather has been very windy and very rainy at times it has for the most part just been a bit damp and grey.  It feels a million miles away from the awful news I am hearing daily about floods.  Don’t get me wrong, there are waterlogged fields and flooded roads along the way but most peoples homes seem to have been saved.

These pictures were taken in the front garden. The flowers and folliage are much the same as last time, but with added sunshine.  It was around 3pm on Tuesday (11.02.2014) when I took the photos and I love the way the sun shines down across the front of the house.

Daffodils SONY DSCHyacinth ‘Midnight Mystic’ - Hyacinthus orientalis


The next pictures were taken in our back garden where it seems there is plenty going on. I managed to work out that I have a stinking hellebore growing under the trees, It’s very low to the ground so I’m sure I wouldn’t have noticed it had I not been poking around for signs of life during the last gardening post.

It seems I already have some foxgloves expanding their mass of foliage by the back door.  I love those traditional country cottage style plants so I’m glad to see we have lots of native species ready to attract the bees.  The daisies are loving it at the moment, but the branches are being blown off the tree ready for me to tidy.

Stinking Helleborestinking hellebore - Helleborus foetidus


The Side Garden is pretty empty, the greenhouse is stocked with compost ready to start planting but the excitement of new seeds is still a few weeks off I think.  There is much to do though, soil improve to buy before I can make use of the vegetable beds, and a new bird house to put up.
SONY DSCSONY DSCSweet Williams – Dianthus barbatus

ECCREMOCARPUS scaber Chilean glory flowerECCREMOCARPUS scaber - Chilean glory flower


Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?