Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Sowing Seeds in March


sowing seeds in marchSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCsprouting lavenderHow on earth can it be March already? Wasn’t it only just February?  But before I complain too much I’m secretly pleased because March means I can now start sowing my first seeds.  You may remember that I actually sowed some lavender back in January.  I left it in the greenhouse and it sat dormant until I noticed a few sprouting seeds the other day (see picture above).  I may well bring the trays inside so I can give them some more heat.  I sowed some celeriac, pepper and aubergene seeds last week and have them in the kitchen already.  Today I sowed 2 different types of tomato and some Aristotle basil. If they do start growing I’ll need to head out to get some grow bags for the green house as I’ve nowhere to plant them at the moment. I’ve also sown some mixed salad leaves into a couple of pots, I’ll transfer them once they’ve germinated. I’m so excited to see what I get because it’s a random assortment of leaves.


You can tell how mild the weather has been because I think this is a rouge broad bean that has sprouted from last years crop!  I’m just going to leave it to grow  as its settled itself now so we will have one broad been plant amongst my peas (I planted them straight into the soil today). The potatoes are still waiting to be planted, I think I probably have far too many potatoes for the space I have.

I am thinking about filling a trug full of potatoes and I have allocated 3 squares in the vegetable patch.  My research so far says I should plant 4 seed potatoes in each square so thats 12 potato seeds in the beds and maybe 6 in the trug.   This week I’ve also planted out the marjoram (it was reduced to 50p at the garden centre) and been hanging around in a pot for weeks. The garlic continues to grow well, although a few of the onions have been made off with and the mint I re-potted is still alive so far…

SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCMy new hellebores have flowered, I’m so pleased with them but the front garden bed is still looking very sparse.  Just a mass of stony soil and a few fledgling weeds.  It literally has 2 hellebore’s a viburnum and some new bulbs that are yet to flower.  There are signs of my alliums and the tulips but this area still needs some serious work. Around the front of the house I have various daffodils almost in bloom and and a rose which has so much new growth already.  There’s also these bushy shrubs in clumps which I’m still yet to work out what they are… (They’re the purple and green leaved things beneath the daffodil stalks) Any ideas?

SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCaag. shoesThe daffodils in my front garden finally came out last week, there are hundreds coming up in the back garden but none have flowered yet.  I know they’ll bring a wonderful zing to the mass off new folliage that is starting to creep in.  I even noticed that the pond plants are rejuvenating themselves and I can see where I haven’t cut back last years growth.  A job for this week I think! You may also notice my black hyacinth is slowly growing up and out of the ground.  There’s some other bulbs there too, no idea what they are.  I’ve had that pot since we were in London and shoved no end of things in it.

SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCIn a dangerous move, I recently discovered our local market has a garden stall and it happens to be on when I am toddler free just before baby bounce at the library.  I can see buying things there becoming a bit of a weekly treat.  Last week I bought a lovely Spinach plant for £1.70 and 6 allium siculum bulbs (2 pots of 3 bulbs for £3) which I’ve now planted out.  If you haven’t seen the allium siculum, click on the link above because they have beautiful honey coloured cascading flower heads.

SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCceramic plant labelsIndoors there is gardening action too.  I forgot to mention it was my birthday during half term (it went by in quite a blur), but I was very happy to receive a subscription to Gardeners World and a new gardening journal from my husband and a lovely seed kit from my sister.  After one week on the kitchen windowsill the seeds had already sprouted and now at 2 weeks they are positively thriving.  I think maybe I should thin them out… What do you think?  Don’t ask me what they are, I threw away the packaging so I shall get a lovely surprise when they flower.  The roses were a gift from my husband, I love the way the light of the window washes them with with subtle colour. And finally, I’ve been able to use my beautiful plant labels as I planted out my peas, they were a present from my husband at Christmas.

Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?
I’m linking up with Annie’s How Does Your Garden Grow linky as usual.  Last week I loved this promising playhouse garden.


  1. Wow, you are getting so much done! Your hellebores and daffodils look lovely, as do those beautiful roses. I really need to get in my garden now!

  2. I’m extremely impressed by all this planting! It’ll be lovely in the summer, when it all comes to fruition. I bet you’ll be able to make some lovely grub with all this lot!

  3. Gosh you’ve done so much I’m panicking a bit! Love your little potting shed ‘helper’ :)

  4. Loving those pics! x

  5. I actually prefer veg gardening to flower gardening (which you might realise if you read my blog) and I have no will power when it comes to seeds. Bags, shoes, clothes – pah, I can resisit all of those but seeds … and that can include flower seeds too!! Good luck with all your veg and flowers!

  6. Gosh, you have been a busy bee! So much going on, your garden and veggie patch will be amazing come Summer.

    Love the ceramic plant tags too

  7. Love these photo – the black and white one especially. Those ceramic plant signs are awesome too. That photo of little one asleep in the greenhouse is beyond cute!

    So excited to see you are sowing seeds – alas nothing happening in our garden this year as we’re about to extend the house and muddiness is to be expected :(

    Just all so pretty! Sorry about the delay in commenting, I’m back from my trip now and loving reading through all the posts. And as usual – thanks for joining in x

  8. We planted some seeds earlier in the month, but on a smaller scale. We used two children’s seed kits we’ve been given as present. Today the children helped Grandpa plant some of his tomato plants.

    Love the black and white picture in the greenhouse, a baby truly in the middle of things :)


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