Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Planting Bulbs for Spring – 3/52


It’s cold and windy, rains on and off and then occasionally there’s a bit of a sunshine reprieve.  When the clouds parted this week I made a concerted effort to get planting bulbs for Spring.  I have been planting them in dribs and drabs since I got them, but as January inches closer to February I know that it will soon be too late.  I brought one plant pot with us in the move and the daffodils have already started shooting up.  I feel so excited to see them again, a bit like they are old friends that have stayed the course.  I’ve planted a lot of stuff in there over the years so I’ll be interested to see if anything new emerges. Planting Bulbs for Spring SONY DSCLast year I only planted daffodils but this year I’ve gone all out, with allium’s, a black hyacinth and a few different types of tulips in the bed leading up to the house.  Then in the back garden, Neil and Nye threw some snake head fritillary’s and grape hyacinths around to create a kind of natural look at the back of the pond.  The idea is that you scatter them around then plant them where they land.  As I was doing some cutting back on the bed there over the weekend I could already see some starting to shoot up.  It’s nice to think their arrangement will be a bit of a surprise especially as it is our first spring here.

Then back in the vegetable garden my onions and garlic are pulling up strong.  Every bulb I planted has grown, and none have been attacked by birds or mice (not yet anyway).  Next I will be starting my potato’s off in the green house.  I had planned to plant them in one of my vegetable beds but I’ve been reading up on planting them in a bucket and I must admit I find that quite a tempting idea, especially as I already have a few spare trugs lying around.

planting bulbs for springSONY DSC SONY DSCI’ve also bought a few new plants to fill in the front garden bed which is currently barren apart from those bulbs hidden under the surface.  It was full of marigolds and cleome’s when we moved in, which have since passed and I much prefer perennials.  I’ve gone for two different hellebores (Christmas Carol and Harvington Double White Speckled) and a Viburnum tinus.

Viburnum Tinus January 2014

SONY DSCI have plans to sow some lavender to create a wave of scent as you walk up to the house, like in our old house.  I bought the last lot in a pot so I have absolutely no idea how long it will take to be substantial from seed.  I love lavender though so it will be well worth it.  Then just this week I found some leftover pink foxglove seeds that I was kindly given last year so I shall be sowing them as soon as I manage to get my hands on some compost.

As usual I am linking up with the wonderful Mammasaurus on her How Does Your Garden Grow Linky.

Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?

  • bluebirdsunshine

    Oh my gosh, is it nearly too late to plant bulbs? Thanks for kicking me into action *rushes off to buy bulbs*…but not before admiring your pretty pics. Bring on the daffs!

  • Jane George

    i love your post! all your plans sound wonderful, i love lavender! xxx

  • Gemma Garner

    Really love this post, you have so many lovely ideas. I’m going to try your scattering technique next time I plant bulbs. I’m also growing garlic, the shoots have grown so tall in the last couple of weeks although I’m hoping they aren’t just rotting in the soil with all the rain we’ve had!

  • Kathleen Scott

    Oh, I love seeing what everyone else it growing! I tend to lean towards perennials too – no extra planting. I am also going to try lavender from seed this year – we’ll see!

  • Charly Dove

    Great post, so many amazing ideas. You’ve reminded me we need to plant (scatter even!) some more bulbs! It will be so nice when we can get outdoors, so hope Spring is on it’s way :)

  • AnnieMammasaurus

    Every year I look at the bulbs poking up through the ground and lament having not planted any earlier – do you think there’s still time ?

    I feel so perky when I spot bulb poking through – I’ve seen a few daffodils standing to attention on the side of the road, I literally cannot wait till they burst into yellow orange trumpets!

    Looking at these photos I’d say Winter is super short this year – hello Spring!

    Thanks for sharing and joining in again Jenni x

  • littlenestbox

    how exciting to see signs of life! I really like the sound of a black hyacinth too… off to search for that now! x

  • Helen Sims The good life mum

    isnt it great seeing all those shots of promise i havent even started planting yet your so dedicated

  • lilmuselily

    sounds like you have been busy doing and planning. and black hyacinths? can’t wait to see!

  • Becky Goddard-Hill

    Oh blimey I ‘d better get to it then

  • Molly @ Mother’s Always Right

    You’ve put me to shame! I need to sort our veg patch out and get some bulbs in our new garden. Been so busy sorting the inside out (and unpacking) as we only moved in on 16th Dec that I have completely neglected the garden!

    • Jenni Clutten

      Oh, good luck with all the boxes. I confess I still have some shoved in cupboards. I think the garden’s probably looking better than the rest of the house.