Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Nursery fit for a king


This nursery post has been a long time coming, Nye is now 8 months old.  We did most of the big jobs when I was still pregnant and of course the room was ‘ready’ for when Nye arrived back in January.  (Although, once they arrive, you soon realise the baby spends a lot more time in your bedroom than their own to begin with.)
This reveal was spurred on by the arrival of his new cot bed and gorgeous natural mattress.  It is such a wonderful feeling to know that your baby is spending his days sleeping on wool and coconut coir fiber (while we snuggle down on Ikea’s finest!!)  It sounds so cliche but I find it incredibly fulfilling to do those little things for him.  It’s something I breath in when I find myself lovingly folding his reusable nappies every day!  How lucky I am to have him and how wonderful it is to love and protect him.
But here we have it, a grand old room full of fun and laughter for my big boy.

Most of it was kindly picked up via freecycle, lovely friends with a few special gifts from mummy and daddy.  I like to think it combines a good mixture of modern and vintage bits and pieces.  I’m terrible at ‘picking’ a theme and colour scheme.  I’m like a magpie with an eye for anything colourful and fun and that’s sort of how every room turns out when I’m in charge.  Thankfully, I like how it all comes together.  The pictures here look a little more cluttered than many a nursery photo shoot but I like to think that this reflects that it is a little boys place to play and cause havoc at will.

There are a few sneaky DIY bits and bobs mixed in here, including a personalised lamp shade which I made last week with a £2.50 balloon shade.  I have to say, it’s the best £2.50 I’ve ever spent.  I’m also so proud of learning to crochet and making him a blanket, just like my mum made me when I was small.  You can catch a glimpse of this, peering over the edge of the cot above.

So to my 8 month little boy, here is your first ever room.  It has evolved with you and you may never remember it but it will always be a place of sunshine and happiness.

I hope you all like the way it’s turned out.  Do let me know if there’s anything you like and I can probably tell you where it’s from.  It has been many months of love, tender care and tweaks to get it to where we are now.  Now I just need to find the bobbin for the sewing machine and finish the black out curtains!

  • xoxoC

    I got linked through to this from my best friend Jessica Riggs-Stewart’s face book page-

    I have to say, I love the accents of hot air balloons! How cute!!!! It’s absolutely fantastic- but I especially love the photo in the very middle of this post of Nye in his chair looking like the king of his palace.

    Good work!!!



    Ahh! what a lovely room! Funny, we are also doing a post on our childrens bedroom next week. LOVE your photos btw; most inspired.

    /Louisa one of the sisters from Best of Two Sisters ;-)

  • Jennifer Clutten

    Thank you for dropping by, I’m looking forward to seeing your big reveal next week :)

  • solveig

    I love his room! Is that a wall sticker (the tree branch)? Where is that from? I’m keen to get something similar for my daughter’s room. S x

  • Jennifer Clutten

    Thank you so much for the lovely comments, the branch is a wall sticker. I got it with a groupon voucher and it took AGES to arrive. They have loads on Ebay which are much cheaper. Mine wasn’t very sticky so I used spray glue from Homebase :) – Not sure if this link will work, but some of these look lovely –

  • solveig

    Thanks for the link, it does work s I’m off to look at tree branch wall stickers now! x

  • Rachel

    It’s so gorgeous! Very real and meaningful, but very stylish, too. Where did you find a balloon shade?! I searched for AGES for one for my little girl’s room (here: ) but went for an alphabet one instead in the end….

    • Jenni

      Thank you so much for your comment, we got the shade from The Range. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be perfect. I looked for them everywhere online afterwards as I thought they would be perfect for any child’s room. The alphabet one sounds great too though :)

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