Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

New Baby Evelina


It is with tremendous excitement and pride I announce that our beautiful baby girl, Evelina finally arrived on the 28th November at 1.57am. She was born exactly one week ‘late’ at 41 weeks and I had the peaceful and natural birth I had wanted.  Most importantly we now have a healthy happy daughter weighing 8lb 10.  She is a true delight and makes us beam from ear to ear, her squeaks, big eyes and soft soft skin.  Nye kisses and hugs his new sister before he goes to bed every night and my heart almost bursts with joy.  I am intending to share the full birth story when I get a chance, but until then our days are filled with cuddles and broken sleep.

Welcome to the worldEvelina

Dearest Evelina,

Thank you for filling us with happiness, for reminding us what it is like to have a new born and making us appreciate our time as parents to you and your brother even more.  Pregnancy drove me totally round the bend, but all the pain was worth it in the end.  It amazes me how quickly I have forgottenthe previous 9 months in just a breath of newborn baby cuddles.  We have had just 5 days of you so far and you are gentle and graceful.  You have big alert eyes which you only seem to open in the evenings and long dainty fingers.  I kind of want time to stop still and preserve your tiny body but I also cant wait to get to know you as you grow day by day.


  • Jen Stanbrook

    Congratulations!! xx

  • fritha strickland

    OMG congrats!! what a beauty! xxx

  • Keri-Anne

    Congratulations! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! x

  • AnnieMammasaurus

    Aw aw aw! that lovely little face – the little pouty lips! Gorgeous! No wonder you are so proud and happy. Congratulations and rest up xxx

  • Michelle Ashmore

    How wonderful, congratulations to you all :) xx

  • Helen Actually Mummy

    Oh she is beautiful! I want a cuddle now! Congratulations x

  • Louisa

    Congratulations! She is totally gorgeous x