Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 9/52


living arrowsWe have been in the kitchen this week making a mess, perhaps even a little more mess than I imagined.  Throwing together some banana muffins, we weighed out the ingredients and then you poured them into the mixing bowl.  The allure of eating the sugar right out of the bowl remains, even when it is covered in flour.  (That there is a dedication to sugar.)  However, this pales in comparison to the mess you made, uninterrupted in the kitchen as I was feeding E in the living room.  I knew it has been too quiet for far too long, I open the door to see you covered from head to toe in flour, a crumpled up bag lying dormant on the floor and the contents strewn across the floor, walls, dining table and chairs.


SONY DSCYou are so strong, moving those hands of yours with more purpose every day, your face clearly showing your determination.  You’ve been awake for longer stretches these last few days, watching us with interest and learnt to settle yourself by sucking your thumb.  You giggle with pure joy when we all dance to the music on the radio.  We move your arms around to the music and your brother thinks it’s the most hilarious thing in the world shouting “baby dancing”.  I know one day you’ll be able to do these things all on your own and he will be overcome with excitement.  Those hands are ready to explore the world but at night when the world slows I get to hold them as we drift off to sleep and it is blissful.


  1. What a gorgeous shot. Love the messy flour shot too.

  2. Beautiful words and beautiful images. It certainly sounds like your little one has discovered his hands and he looks fascianted by them in the photo. xxx #livingarrows

  3. Great pictures and lovely words. Messy flour is always fun to play in. #livingarrows

  4. Oh bless – such concentration in that photo! Sounds like life is very mellow with you at the moment – good times x

  5. Aw this is lovely Jenni, that little fist is adorable! I did cringe with the tale of the flour though eek!

  6. Sometimes a bit of mess is worth it for a bit more baby time. Brilliantly told!

  7. Oh the joy of baking! We too have had flour disasters, easier to clean up than the sudocrem incident…. and love your writing, especially about your littlest- really captures that age.

  8. Oh the fun of baking and little ones!! What a lovely photo of your little one :-)

  9. Oopsy! ;)

  10. Beautiful picture of your bubba x

  11. haha oh this is SO something Wilf would do! x

  12. Aww…lovely. I love baking with my children too.

  13. Ahh, I love that time as your babe goes off to sleep and they hold on to you, beautiful. Mich x

  14. Ha ha! What a brilliant little insight into your world. We have “baby dancing!” in our house too – they are right little groovers already, right? And the ‘can’t leave them anywhere’ moment – you know you’ve got to clean up that mess, but can’t help crack up.


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