Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 7/52


living arrows

There is a strange stillness about the house when you are at preschool.  You’ve just finished your first few weeks there and so far you are loving it.  I notice your language improve every week as you are able to tell me more and more about what you have been doing.  You made us valentines day biscuits last week which were handed over to me in a crumpled bundle of tin foil and I felt so proud.  While you are there I tidy your room, I rush around pairing up socks, lining up your books and smoothing down your bed with one eye on your sister.  Your room still needs some decoration, not that you actually seem to care about the floral wallpaper.  You have your Thomas bed and all your blankets to keep you ‘cosy’ (your favourite word this week by far.)  We sit here every night as I tuck you in and I ask you about your day.  I love to see you smile as you remember the fun you’ve had, then when you are finished you turn away from me and say ‘night night’ and i head to the door to turn out the night.

living arrowsliving arrowsLittle Evie, why do you insist on continuing to grow? The days end so quickly, weeks just pass me by, but you of course remain as cute as ever.  I have started putting you down in your cot while I busy myself with the daily tasks.  Your daddy hates to think of you in there, he just want to gold you forever.  Thankfully you still look like a tiny thing, even when all bundled up in blankets.  Everyone comments on how alert you are, we went out for lunch this weekend and I noticed you are so keen to take everything in you barely even blink. I love those eyes, those big round blue saucers and your little hands that grip tightly onto me.



  1. Love the blanket! Especially the little finger poking through! So cute xx

  2. Gorgeous photos, I love the wallpaper! x

  3. aww! the finger poking through! is it bad that i just want to nibble it?! haa!

  4. Such a sweet photo, she looks so contended xx #LivingArrows


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