Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 5/52


Living Arrows

If this week had a word it would be loving.  You have amazed me every day showing what a kind person you are becoming.  I can see you really growing into your own skin, perhaps starting to show traits of your adult self.  All week you have cuddled and held hands with your sister at every opportunity saying “ahhhhhh” as you snuggle up to her and call her beautiful.  You are copying her noises, “goo goo” to talk to her and willingly share your favourite toy with her, especially if she is crying.

You have learnt to say sorry and the tone with which you say it makes your dad and I look at each other and melt.  You are far from perfect, and that’s fine because you are only two and still learning the rules.  But, you are thinking more about things, starting to learn to share and understand when I explain something isn’t yours without an enormous melt down.  On Friday at play group I had no arguments to settle and at the end of the session, I found you on a gym bench holding another boys hand, swinging your legs patiently waiting for story and singing time. The happiness and pride overwhelms me and I dare not do or say anything, just let you carry on being you. (Please let me hold on to this moment because no doubt this will all change and I’ll be breaking up fights next week.)

Living Arrows

Living Arrows You are such a wonderfully happy baby.  You have smiles for everyone, every day. This week you love to babble, saying ah goo and giving little squeaks when we are looking and talking to you.  We had our first mummy and daughter shopping trip this week whilst Nye was at pre school.  You slept through it, which makes you an excellent shopping partner.  You are getting good at holding your head up and looking around at what is going on.  It’s quite amazing what a baby can teach you about simple pleasures, you do it beautifully.

  • mascara & mud

    aah, what a lovely post! loved the holding hands and swinging your legs bit. too cute. x

  • Anna-Marie

    Oh what a lovely photo, the first one is gorgeous :) x #livingarrows

  • Fiona Naughton

    Oh what beautiful pictures, your children are adorable!

    Fiona @

  • Joanne Mallon

    What a lovely post and pictures. Hold on to these times, they go past in the blink of an eye.

  • Vikki Holness

    Aww you’re children are perfect in every way, beautiful photos of a beautiful family xxx

    Vikki @ Love From Mummy

  • Faded Seaside Mama

    So lovely to see the tiny development that they make at these ages. Lovely post

  • would like to be

    Just beautiful x

  • Aby Moore

    What a great smile! x

  • Tehmina Jalil

    I love the last bita about simple pleasures, so true!