The summer seems to have disappeared into the distance, somewhere between now and July, the time just evaporated. I remember when it was just beyond reach, Neil preparing to pack up his things for the end of term. The prospect of those six weeks stretching out in front of us, days and days of time that we thought would last forever. We were feeling the sense of anticipation, tempting, weeks just the four of us. Of course now, just in the blink of an eye it’s over and we are drawing ourselves back into our old routines. It was a wonderful summer, so many bright days, lots of visiting friends and family and exploring everything the Cotswolds has to offer. Here are some more of the memories we will keep.
33/52 Once we had returned from our trips to see family we visited the lovely Cotswold Country Park for the second time. I remember our last visit so clearly, it happened to be just a few days before we made an offer on our house, I have phone snaps of the brightest of blue skys. What a difference a year makes, from one child to two; two busy babies splashing in the water and running their hands through the sand. It was so beautifully sunny, a big bright and blue sky stretching out in front of us. Then, without warning there came a sudden chill in the air followed by rain, rain and more rain lashing down. We ran for cover, and found ourselves sat huddled in the boot of the car, waiting for it to pass with only some smarties to sustain us.34/52 Lovely days at home, pottering, organising, making messes, tidying the messes and then making more mess. Cuddles and kisses on the sofa, making play dough in the kitchen and listening to ‘let it go’ on repeat. Amidst this, they still continue to grow, your very first tooth came through Evie, less than 1mm of a razor-sharp blade, just another reminder of the first year of your life slipping on by. Then there was the potty training success (after 3 failed attempts), the time was right and with a sticker chart in hand, you did it Nye. We started the first few days giving you treats after you had been on the potty 5 times, but after a few days it was just second nature to you. No need for stickers or treats, just done. Another milestone been and gone and we barely even noticed it.
35/52 The next week we had our perfect little holiday, just a few days of exploring the Isle of Wight. Adventures to some culinary gems and trips to the beach to look for shells, crabs and driftwood. Evie you took it all in from the comfort of your carrier, happy to go along for the ride, whilst you Nye enjoyed every second of exploring, running, playing and digging. You were slightly uneasy about staying in a new house at first, but still slept well every night. Over the summer you have really blossomed into a little human, we no longer have to worry about you sleeping during car journeys as you are happy to sing and chat in the car. Evie on the other hand, eludes sleep like a master, you want to be awake, crawling, interacting and prefer to sleep cuddled up in our arms, especially in the day time.
You both tried Lobster for the first time, cooked simply with pasta in our holiday house. It’s amazing to give you the tastes of you things and see how you like them. Of course we had busy days but we were able to relax too, and just before we headed to the ferry to go home we took a pit stop at the park where you were able to push Evie on the swing for the first time. It wasn’t quite as smooth as I would have liked, but to be honest, Evie loved it and just loves being a part of the games you play.36/52 We are back at home and the start of the new term is looming over us. Autumn appears to have arrived, the nights are suddenly getting darker and there can be a bite in the air. The moon has been out, so big and bright in the sky, sometimes we can see it, morning and night and Nye, you just love it. It’s funny you’ve slept so well even when it’s light when you go to bed, but there seems to be something about it getting dark that you like. Now when it does get dark, you tell us it is bed time and head upstairs, you ask to see the moon every night and I lift you up to look out the window.
Evie you are a super speed crawler, it just suddenly happened that we can be in the living room, but before I know it you’ve chased the dog into the kitchen. you’ll head full speed for her, weaving your way under the dining table. I head off to find where on earth you’ve gone and imagine what you’ve been able to get up to in the 1 minute I took my eye off you. You amuse yourself now by picking things up and throwing them, so impressed by your own ability to let go, the sounds you can make and how far you can throw things. Another favourite activity is pulling books off shelves, I think I had forgotten this stage. And of course as soon as I tidy up you’re back at it, it’s so much fun for you.