Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 26/52

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living arrows

We went for a trip to Oxford this weekend and you insisted on wearing your dinosaur hat on the journey there.  You are pretty good on road trips now,  sometimes taking a nap, or sometimes just looking out the window and telling us what you can see.  We do often have to spend quite a large amount of time singing nursery rhymes over and over again, but you don’t often arrows eag.livingarrows.30.06.2014 (1 of 1)Oh my goodness Evie, you have learnt to crawl!  Not necessarily with all limbs moving in a coordinated manor but who cares, you can get from A to B.  Nothing can stop you from getting to where you want to be and you even managed to go backwards and wedge yourself under the sofa the other day.  Of course your brother thought it was hilarious and had to copy you and he shouts ‘Evie funny’.

One Comment

  1. Aww he looks so cute with that hat! They are bothadorable in the second photo. She will crawl properly and walk too soon =) #LivingArrows
    Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) recently posted…Living Arrows – 29 June 2014My Profile


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