Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 24/52



Finally there is a break in the gloomy on and off weather of the last few weeks, and we make the most of it by harvesting some home grown potatoes.  It’s great fun, digging around in the dirt searching for treasure. You collect them all up, counting them in to your basket before heading inside shouting ‘daddy taytos’.

You are trying to use more complex phrases that you haven’t quite grasped teh true meaning of.  When you want to express that you really like something you say ‘all day’.  You’ve learnt the word ‘maybe’ and use it to try and get something you’re unlikely to be offered.  ‘chocoa all day maybe?’  You can be so funny, even when you don’t mean to be.  But ocassionally you will show your vulnerable side, at the airport trip this week, you didn’t want to hold the fire engine hose, wear the gear or climb up in the cab!  It’s interesting that sometimes you are happy to just observe your friends, you’re not *always* in a hurry to do everything yourself.

living arrows living arrows.eag.16.june.2014 (1 of 1)Greedy Evie is here to stay.  You want to try everything and bend over backwards, literally, to get what you desire.  You are open to new tastes and textures, everything must be sampled.  I’m never quite sure how much you’ve had, but you are happy and content.  I need to get you weighed to check how you’re getting on, but I suspect that the introduction of food will have helped your previous centile languishing.

Our second swimming lesson went well.  You are just so at home in the water, kicking, happy and strong.  We were early for our lesson and we enjoyed sharing a cafe date just the two of us, it feels lovely to have time together and focus on you.  We’ve started sleep training this week, since lack of sleep has been getting on top of us all.  So far you’re not much of a fan but certainly things are improving and you’ve settled into a proper bedtime routine, waking only once or twice a night.

We are joining in with Living Arrows, last week I loved watching for fireflys.


  1. I love a cute baby weaning photo and that one of your daughter is adorable! Pizza or pasta? She looks like she’s loving every second of it.


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