Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 19 / 20 / 21


You have been tool mad these last few weeks, grabbing a screw driver to fix things.  Here you’ve managed to get your mits on a real one, but we’ve since bought a job lot of play tools to keep you busy.  An entire box of screws seemed like a good idea until you insisted on tipping the entire box out all over the floor, but what’s another mess…  You still love to use your kitchen and you roll out cakes from your playdough and cook it in the pan.  I admit I really enjoy playing in your ‘cafe’ with you where most things are free, and I even get paid to have food served to me sometimes!living arrowslivingarrows.eag.20.05 (1 of 1)-2I so wish I could take better photos of you and your brother together as these moments are my favourite.  I admit taking photos of one child is a challenge, to get you to together and not moving is near impossible.  You still love your brother more than anything, he makes you laugh like crazy and we often have no idea what it is that you find funny.  He man handles you, laying things over your head and pushing and pulling you and we tell him to be ‘careful’ and gentle but you are quick to forgive.  Thank goodness for your patience and good humour.

My goodness this week has been a challenge.  I satrted by trying to potty train you, but I admit, 4 days in I gave up.  The accidents were constant, you were intentionally resisting (or so it seemed).  Then as soon as you were back in nappies, of course, you were asking for the potty and have been a lot more successful.  Then when day turns to night there are the increasingly stretched out bed times.  After 2 years of the same bed time routine you’ve realised that you don’t have to play along.  Your delaying tactics extend further and further into the evening.  First you want a glass of milk, then to brush your teeth, to go to the toilet or  another book.  Then when I have finally coaxed you into bed, firmly confirming that 3 books are enough, you want every cuddly toy in the house in your bed and then to discuss every picture on your wall.  You pull on our heart strings, I wonder, am I depriving him, only reading him three books? What if he is dehidrated?  This parenting lark is not easy.
livingarrows.eag.15.05 (1 of 1)livingarrows.eag.20.05 (1 of 1)-5Your desire to explore is increasing, you are spending more time moving, energetically rolling around the floor or up and down in your bouncer. Often your brother likes to push you in it like a swing, and you grin back at him.   On your play mat you see something you like and you make a bee line for it.  You particularly like paper, the sound and texture of it, possibly the taste!?  I have no idea quite how you do it, but you can make your way across the living room floor.  It’s harder to keep you occupied, and that is taking it’s toll on my spare time but time passes quickly with you.

One of the joys of being your mum is the great pleasure of rediscovering childhood memories and sharing them with you. From games, to memories and back each new discovery for you is a joy.  For your first birthday we asked friends and family to give you a copy of their favourite books, so you now have a comprehensive library of books full of memories that I hope you will always treasure.  In the post office this week I saw this magic painting book and I knew that it would be perfect for you.  You loved seeing the colours emerge and naming the objects as you covered in page in water and I got to remember just how simple yet cool the whole idea is.
livingarrows.eag.25.5 (1 of 1)-3livingarrows.eag.28.05 (1 of 1) Evie darling, you are now oficially 6 months old. My goodness how on earth can it be!?  You are different to your brother. The most efficiant milk guzzler, fierce finger food eater and a highly vocal voice in this household.  We started giving you bits and pieces of food over the last two weeks and you’ve been immediately interested, already doing a good job of grabbing and shoving everything in your mouth.  You want to sit and eat with us at the dinner table and sit determined, concentraiting on the best path for food to make it to your mouth as quickly as possible.  You take us by surprise, we assume you’re not ready to be sitting in your high chair, but of course you are. You just surprise us every time, like you’ve been doing this stuff for years.  You are so young but it’s like you’ve already worked it all out.  My guess is you’ll never stop surprising us.

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