Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 12/52


living arrowsJust as I was celebrating things returning to normal after the sickness bug, you managed to get conjunctivitis and pass it on to your sister.  You have  hated the eye drops and together with a bad cough, you have been rather irritable.  No pre school and no trips out it’s not a surprise that we’ve been going a tad stir crazy with only the garden to explore.  However this week you have been singing songs for the first time, you’ve started showing an interest over the last few weeks (in the past you shouted NO whenever I even started to sing a nursery rhyme!) This week we’ve had bob the builder on repeat and you love to say the words you know the incy wincy spider.  Our battle to get you dressed continues but now you have decided you have a preference over what you wear, thes “botty jamma’s” are a favourite of yours.

Living ArrowsSONY DSC

Wow you’ve been busy this week, learning to grab things and bring them to your mouth and holding your head high as I place you on your front for some tummy time.  The nasty conjustivitus came to get you too but I am hoping it will clear up over the next few days now your brothers has healed.  Your sleep patterns are changing again, you’re sleeping for long periods in the early evening but then cluster feeding from about 3am in the morning.  This is taking it’s toll but I know it won’t last forever.  We still love to cuddle with you in bed, I’m ready to get some more sleep but don’t want you to grow up too fast.

Linking up with Living Arrows.  Last week I loved this beautiful shot and the story behind it.


  1. Thank you so much for the mention Jenni, totally honoured! And I’m not following you everywhere! :)

    • No problem, I’m loving your captures and looking forward to seeing more of them.

      • Ah, thanks. And it should read ‘now’ following in my first comment. Looking forward to being inspired by you too, such a great blog!

  2. Aw your little ones are soo cute! My son is six months and is still waking in the night for feeds, but like you I’m reminding myself that the disturbed nights won’t last forever x

  3. Lovely photos. My little boy is one next weekend and he slept so badly until a couple of months ago, it was so hard but like you said it doesn’t last forever, in fact the time goes so quickly! x

  4. Beautiful photos and I hope everyone is feeling better now x

  5. Sorry to hear that your eldest has been so poorly, there’s some really horrid bugs going round and conjunctivitis drops are nasty whatever age :( Glad he’s now enjoying your singing a little more!

  6. I love the ‘botty’ pyjamas. M also has favourite pyjamas with diggers on, he has also been singing a lot recently (usually Happy Birthday). I hope you all get better soon (and get more sleep).

  7. Sorry to hear they have both been poorly. Conjunctivitis is horrid. I hope they feel better very soon. It is lovely to hear little ones singing isn’t it. My youngest has been singing Twinkle Twinkle a lot recently, but Incy Wincy is a favourite too.

  8. Oh poor babies, I hope they feel better soon – and I love the “botty jammas” they look so cute and cuddly!

  9. oh no bless them hope they feel better x

  10. Poor things, I hope they continue to get better. Being stuck home with sick children is no fun for anyone,

  11. Lovely pictures, I certainly don’t miss the sleep deprivation although I’d love another little one! x

  12. Lovely photos – i hope you enjoy your cuddles and get some sleep soon


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