Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Living Arrows 11/52


It’s lighter in the evenings now and daddy comes home to play football in the garden with you.  You’ve even finally learnt to kick the ball rather than picking it up, we don’t think you’ll be a football player…  However, I get the feeling just kicking a ball about with you is a lifelong ambition of your dads fulfilled.

Your hair is forming natural sandy highlights the more time you spend in the sun, and as it grows so you do physically and emotionally.  A second pair of welly boots, discovering the joy of mini eggs and the beginnings of connective words.


You are no longer so still, you want to sit up and see and hear all the things.  With those big eyes wide open you are starting to make your way into more of our conversations, adding your comments when we are all chatting.  Nye says ‘baby talking’ with total glee whilst you bat your long eyelashes and give him big gummy smiles.  Your laid back nature is quite astonishing and something that I am trying to embrace, you want to be in the action but are happy to sit quietly taking it all in.  Your brother pours water over you in the bath and splashes you, we look on horrified and instead of giving us big tears and a wobbling lip you laugh and laugh.  These massive belly aching giggles erupt from your lips and we breath a sigh of relief.

I’m joining in with Living Arrows hosted by Iheartsnapping.  My favourite capture from last week was a wonderful welsh adventure with its beautiful pastel landscapes.


  1. We have recently started rugby classes and we are gradually moving to my interaction with a ball, but to be honest M still thinks it is wonderful to catch a ball and run away.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Football in the garden is a lovely father/son activity xx

  3. Just wait a bit longer and your kids will have a proper conversation… I am sure baby has a lot to tell to you all

  4. Gorgeous photos. I remember thinking that our only boy would never be into football. 7 years later and he’s in a local team and loves nothing better than kicking a ball around!

  5. Beautiful pictures and description. It really touched me thinking how your partner playing football with your son is one of those moments you’ve always dreamed of. Made me think of what my moments c are x

    • Thank you, I’m sure we all have those moments we remember from our childhood that we want to recreate with our children.

  6. I loved reading this – beautiful words, beautiful pictures. I love it when the words start coming, and yay to mini eggs, although that will mean having to share them!


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