Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Life Lately and a New Camera

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gb.photog. (1 of 1)-8Oh it has been too long since I have had a moment to give a proper life update.  I keep thinking of the phrase ‘I’ve been too busy living life,” and well I kind of have.   There’s been eurvision party night fundraiser taking over every inch of my spare time, it’s done now and we rasied some much needed funds but I’ve still not recovered!  And then to celebrate the new found mind space my laptop charger decided to unexpectendly conk out leaving me technolgy free for a few days.

However, in the midst of the chaos I finally committed to a new camera, the Canon 700D and I am smitten.  Ther’s a little photography competition in our village in a few weeks time and we’ve even had a photography training session to get us in the mood.  Here’s a few photos I took during the afternoon where I learnt about aperture, shutter speed and depth of field.  canon 700dgb.photog. (1 of 1)-18 gb.photog. (1 of 1)-19 gb.photog. (1 of 1)-20 gb.photog. (1 of 1)-2 gb.photog. (1 of 1)-3 Here you can really see how you can change the focus of a picture depending on the settings.  There was me thinking I was a pro just for focusing myself, turns out all those dials to a lot more than I even realised.  We even did some panning shots as the cars went down the road but I’ve not quite perfected that just yet!
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One Comment

  1. Lovely photos – I love the thrill of a new camera!

    That top photo makes me smile – glad to hear that you’ve been busy living life x
    Mammasaurus recently posted…A review of Rocket GardensMy Profile


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