I talk a lot, it is true. Since I was a child I have narrated things constantly, either inside my head or to anyone who will listen. I was telling Neil the other day how one of my favourite childhood toys was a tape player I used to record and present my own radio shows or write and record stories to listen to. It all sounds a bit egotistical now, but it was so exciting and fun to be able to record things. I never had any idea how these fascinating tapes worked, all I knew was that they were very amazing and I could record and re-record all day.
When I knew I was pregnant I was instantly excited by the prospect of learning to communicate with my child. Having funny conversations, teaching someone else the wonderful ways of our language and how we can use it to make people laugh or even make people cry. I took great pride in the idea of teaching my child to say please and thank you or even hello. And to be honest, it feels even better than I imagined it.
These last two months since Nye turned 18 months old have been quite amazing. It really has captivated me and blown my mind, as I see my child so suddenly and rapidly learning to communicate. I felt that until 18 months Nye could not speak any words. He constantly chattered usiang a broad range of sounds but nothing consistent that he would apply. He was communicating in non verbal ways, he knew how to conduct a conversation, where one person talks and the other replies. He even understood the vast majority of what I was saying to him, but did not use any words. He did everything he could to try and fit into a social situation, even laughing when others laugh because he understands this is what people do. I can’t say that it didn’t bother me that he didn’t speak though. There was that underlying worry, “when will it happen?” “will it happen!?” and every time I counselled myself, yes, just give it time, there is no reason to panic. However, it wasnt just concern over having a child who did not know any words, as his social intelligence increased he became frustrated and angry, unable to communicate in the way he seemed to want to. Those first few weeks of the summer were hard, constant screaming and crying from one very agitated child.
Then, all of a sudden he has words. Never ending evolving words that start with one syllable and gradually become two or more. “Ap” to Apple “Crack” to “Cracker” and the inevitable “Pep” to “Peppa.” And it is the way that this evolves that amazes me. From no words, to ones for all ocassions. Words to provide food and water, words to instruct. I find him coming out with things that I don’t remember even telling him “meow.”, But at the same time, refusing to say words I say multiple times a day like “daddy.” Earlier this month he suddenly started waking in the night and asking us to read him books, and it was then at 2am that he would suddenly come out with lots of new sounds. I still don’t understand it, but I can only say that he seems more able to try new sounds when it is the dead of night and perhaps he does not feel anything is holding him back.
These words he has found have calmed him down immeasurably. So many less battles over every tiny thing and massively reduced episodes of screaming when we can’t understand exactly what he wants from a specific kitchen cupboard. Learning the word “please”, which he uses to request any item in the universe, seems to have been the key. Imagine knowing that your parents are so impressed with your utterance of the word ‘peas’ that you could ask for 2 ice creams and they will probably oblige. I think that must feel pretty powerful.
Although, is it just my son who’s vocabulary revolves around food items!? It suddenly dawned on me this week when we went to the supermarket for the first time in ages. Never has he been so chatty and pleased with himself as we zoom around the supermarket aisles. We go round the isles to the soundtrack of ‘toas’ (toast/bread) ‘apple’ (any fruit within sight), it goes on and on. Even a ‘moo’ when he saw the cow on some milk which surprised me.
Here we are at 20 months with a vocabulary that expands on a day to day basis, and makes me laugh even when my patience is being tested by the 50th “mumma mumma, pease pease choklate cayk, pease PEASE.” I do love the way you use your language so fantastically, including at the doctors today where you did a tour of the waiting room to wave and say bye bye to everyone. Naturally everyone needs to know you’re leaving the building. Brilliant.