Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Kitchen Renovation 2013


When I last updated you it was Christmas 2012, and since then we have had the kitchen worktops installed.  I say that as if it was an easy task.  Obviously in reality we hired a guy to do it for a few hours and it took… all day!

Kitchen disaster zone
Since then, progress has been rather slow as Neil and I fail to make time to get things done.  It really is so hard to tackle large jobs when the only time you have to do it is while Nye sleeps and on top of that Neil has mountains of marking, planning and god knows what else to do.  

But this weekend we gave the kitchen DIY a good go.  We set ourselves the task of sanding and painting all the walls as we still had some very uneven plaster to take care of.  But first we decided to finish laying the edges of the plywood floor covering.  This included moving the fridge from it’s little alcove and back again and cutting the plywood remnants we had to size.  This unfortunately took all Saturday but it still felt great to cross another item off the to do list.  And if this wasn’t enough, we even leveled up the fridge legs after 2 and a half years of having it sticking out. (all it took was a turn of the two front legs, oh the shame!)  And that wasn’t even on the to do list! 
dust, dust  everywhere!
So on Sunday it was sanding time.  We broke out the new sander and boy what a difference it made. Neil had the walls flat as a pancake in no time.  As you can see above there was enough dust to coat every things within sight.  The cleaning up took longer than the sanding I should think.  Anyway, whilst Neil got busy on the walls I took to the window ledge trying to clean up the horrible window frame which was covered in plaster, tile grout, paint and general grime. 

Dirt stripping
Of course once the manual work has been done, the painting had to commence.  As I’m sure I mentioned before,  we decided to go for white walls and chose Contemporary by Homebase House of Colour.  They seem to have discontinued the kitchen and bathroom version for some unknown reason but I can’t tell you how great it looks.  And this is coming from me, someone who never paints walls white.

All the hard work has been well worth it though as once you get the nitty gritty done, the new look emerges and it makes you feel proud that it’s done.  So now we just have to sit and plan what we think we can get done next weekend and over the half term holiday.  I’m trying to be realistic, but at the same time we need to be as ambitious as possible to get all the things we want done before we call in the estate agents.

The windowsill