Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Happy 2nd Birthday


happy birthday

I can barely believe how much you have changed this year.  From baby, to toddler, and now to a little boy.  I think back to those photos from your birthday party last year where you still relied on me for so much.  )Though you still have those chunky cheeks and a smile that lights up the eyes of strangers.)  Now you are so independent, learning to walk and talk and run and jump.  You have likes and dislikes and a voice that cannot be quashed.  I am amazed to hear the way you pronounce things and how this develops and changes over time, ‘choo choo’ has now become ‘train’ and I almost miss the familiarity and wonder of your first few words.  Every change is yet another reminder that you are growing ever more.  The time goes by so fast, even though I have spent every single day of the last 2 years with you.


 You love to be in the garden, to dig, even in the cold and wind.  I admit your hardiness makes me proud.  This last month you have been helping me plant the bulbs for the spring, and I can’t wait for you to help with with the rest of the vegetables when the weather warms up.  You have a wonderful laugh, an infectious zest for life and a cheeky but helpful nature.

It has been a year of big changes for you.  Moving out of London, the only place you ever knew, to the beautiful Cotswold countryside.  And then, once we had settled into our new home, you were suddenly thrust into the role of big brother.  I know to you it must have just felt like it happened overnight, indeed I put you to bed on the 27th November and returned before bed on the 28th with a baby that’s still never left! You took to both of these massive changes with minimal fuss, only a few long nights and then back to normal.  I think I might even pat myself on the back here for raising such a settled and happy boy, I hope you see we made both these changes for you.

SONY DSCbirthdayNext week you start preschool for the very first time, as yet, you really have no idea what is ahead.  Everyone thinks you will love it, and I can’t wait to see how you get on.  Exploring new things, learning to play with others and hopefully building long lasting friendships with children you will probably know throughout your childhood.  Here’s to another year of adventure, you, me, daddy and Evelina.

All our love xoxo