Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Garden Shed Renovation


Garden Shed Renovation

Sorry for the rather extended absence over here.  As I have mentioned incessantly, we have been moving house.  But, although we have been reacquainting ourselves with moving boxes and packing tape this week, we are at least now emptying them and folding up the boxes ready to be recycled.

Believe it or not, it is now less than 5 weeks until my due date and it would be accurate to say that moving house has spurred me into the nesting stage perhaps slightly before I should be there.  I started by designing the nursery which I have now started painting.  Once I have a chance to paint the other walls I shall show it off to you all.

Last week the rain paused for a brief moment and I took the opportunity to make a  start with our garden shed renovation project.  There really are not enough hours in the day to get all my plans done, so I can only try my best to zoom around while Nye is napping.

Garden Sheds

Our new house is very well endowed in the shed department, we have two.  So, as soon we put the offer in on the house I was plotting out how we might use the larger shed as a lovely office and craft space for us to escape to.  Both of our shed are to the side of the garden as you can see in the picture above.  The shed I’ve been painting is the one behind the greenhouse that you can only just see.

Budget Breakdown so far:

Garden Shed Painting


I didn’t have any idea how much paint we would need so I bought the 5L tin just in case.  As it happens, I think one 2.5L tin would have been enough for the shed but I will also be painting our other smaller shed in the same colour and probably our garden gate.  I’m also using the paint brushes in the nursery so I decided investing in some nice ones would be a good idea.

Shed Before Collage.2

Shed During Collage

So far I’m really pleased with the progress, even after just one coat.    Editing the photos to post this has reminded me of the tatty state the shed used to be in and already just with one coat on it looks much better.  It is quite amazing how quickly you forget how things looked before which is one of the things I love about blogging as it allows you to remember how things were and appreciate all the hard work you put in.

That’s it for this week, let’s hope for a little more dry weather so I can get the second coat on.  Then next we are on to the insulation so we can hopefully use the shed in summer and winter.  As usual here’s my of inspiration.

Have you done any garden shed renovation?  Got any tips?

  • 76 sunflowers

    It’s looking lovely. I’m halfway through painting my shack a similar shade and trying to tart it up internally too.

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