Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Create a garden border


create a garden borderThis week I’ve been working on improving the year round colour and foliage in our garden, starting with the borders which appear to be full of wild flowers.

Here’s a guide to taking back your borders and adding interest:

  • Clear the bed, try to dig out the roots of weeds to stop them returning. If you aren’t sure what’s a weed I like this weed identification page.
  • Work out how much sun the bed gets to avoid planting things that won’t suit the site.
  • What kind of soil do you have?  Here’s a quick soil guide to working it out.
  • Select plants, smaller ones will be more economical and grow into the space over time.
  • Look at the times when plants will flower and ensure you have flowers for different seasons.

creating a garden borderSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC


The Border Budget Breakdown:

  • 1 Marguerites - 90p @ Tesco
  • 3 dahlias – £1.50 each @ Tesco
  • 2 yellow wallflowers – £1.50 each @ Homebase
  • Green Foliage – £3.50 @ Tesco
  • 1 Agapanthus tuber – £1.74 @ Homebase
  • 15 Ranunculus – £1.74 @ Homebase
  • 10 Gladioli bulb – £3.49 @Homebase
  • Red Campion – FREE self seeded from neighbours garden
    TOTAL: £18.87


I’ve previously dabbled in buying cut price plants and have had mixed results, however, these bulbs were reduced as the time to plant them was just about to pass.  So, as long as I planted them up within a few days of buying they would be fine. (In fact even if I planted them later and they didn’t flower this year, they will be there in the earth ready for next year)  The dahlias and marguerites were also looking a little sad for themselves, but after a bit of dead heading they were looking a lot more perky, and next week they will be full of fresh blooms.
SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCAnd linking up with Mammasaurus for the wonderful How Does Your Garden Grow Linky.  Last week I loved these gorgeous anenomies.

Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?


  1. Ooohhh good tips! Thankd for sharing =) #HDYGG
    Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) recently posted…How Does Your Garden Of Fragrance GrowMy Profile

  2. What fabulous bargains you got!
    The Reading Residence recently posted…My Garden in Early MayMy Profile

  3. So much helpful advice here, I only wish the people who lived here before us had read it! They planted everything in bright full sun hence why nothing they left has grown in the past 5 years we’ve been here. Luckily I’m on the case now, digging up and rehoming things – the whole how much sunlight does a plant need is such an important one!

    Thank you for joining in and sharing lovely lady :)
    Mammasaurus recently posted…52. How Does Your Garden Grow?My Profile

  4. that is such a great idea for encouraging good wildlife in to eat up the bad bugs and pretty too

  5. ps. good choice btw I loved the anenome post too!
    Mammasaurus recently posted…52. How Does Your Garden Grow?My Profile

  6. I love the leaves in your top photos – so healthy looking and so different from each other too!
    Thank you for your worthwhile tips – I’m so pleased I have found your really interesting blog!!
    Emma :-)

  7. You picked up some bargains! I’ve put gladioli in and can’t wait for them to come up :) Your tips will help me plan the rest of my garden, thanks!


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