Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

12 Weeks progress

April 17, 2012 by Jenni Clutten | 1 Comment

We have now passed the 12 week milestone and things are definitely changing day by day and hour by hour.

I’ve been taking weekly photos of him and you can see the change!

We have finally got into our own routine, it’s not exactly the same every day as it depends very much on his mood day to day.  It is clear he is a very happy and chatty baby, the health visitor seemed very pleased with him on her final visit last week.  So, no more health visitor… I’ve not been sure what I’m meant to consult them on really.  They never feel very reassuring and if I was truly concerned about something I’d bypass their opinion anyway, although they are nice enough.
I think 11 weeks has been the point where I reached the summit of the mountain I was climbing in terms of the steep baby learning curve.  Although there is of course still so much to overcome, I feel I have at least mastered the basics pretty well.  The breastfeeding time has been gradually eclipsed by the awake, alert, I want to be entertained phase which is fun.  It’s been fascinating remembering old songs, piecing together the melody and lyrics and seeing what Nye’s reaction will be.)  It’s also been easier and more peaceful with Neil at home for the Easter holiday.  Having an extra pair of hands makes all the difference to getting things done, although we were away for a fair bit of it which Nye didn’t seem to appreciate.  What’s that they say about babies travelling well…  I’m certain motherhood will be more like an entire mountain range, so 1 mountain down many left to go I’m sure.
But it truly is lovely to finally be able to enjoy feeding him.  With out new found routine has come lovely family bath times with lots of splashing and smiling, then a lovely feed and cuddle in the nursing chair in his room.  Until recently I found it so hard to feed him without lying down to make it as comfortable as possible.  Now I can cradle him in my arms and enjoy it, it really makes a difference and means we can make use of his room a lot more.  Then there’s also the joy of leaving him sleeping and content in his cot in his own room.  He now has his lunch time naps and his early evening snoozes there, until he wakes up around 1am and comes into bed with us for feeding until the morning.  The early days were tough, but things are getting easier and I’ve been able to stick to my guns and do the best things for him.  Now comes the many years of finding out who he is as a person, what his likes and dislikes are and I am enjoying every moment.

March 26, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Sun, Sea and a Picnic in Brighton.

Oh I’ve been a bit slow on the update scene! And now I have a few minutes I barely know where to start. Perhaps with the weather and the weekend!? It has been so beautifully sunny the last few days, … Continue reading

Categories: baby, brighton, day trip, picnic, recipes, seaside | Permalink

March 18, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Home made print for baby boy

I have a backlog of things to post. But here’s my proudest achievement of the week.Font Art March 2012.2 Tweet

Categories: art, baby, creative, print | Permalink

March 5, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Tuesday Linking Love

More links this lovely Tuesday evening. I love flowers!   I still REALLY want to make a patchwork blanket for Nye.  This one is gorgeous and matches my plans for his changing table…. OMG crochet booties And finally… food for … Continue reading

Categories: baby, cooking, crochet, flowers, links, photos, pick and mix, recipes, recommended | Permalink

February 29, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

photo by Keli Hoskins It is a new day and like every day with a new born baby each is a surprise.  But today I am specifically wanting to reflect on my experience of breastfeeding. I have found breastfeeding to be …

Categories: baby, , , motherhood, parenting |

February 21, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Tuesday Linking love

I’ve been back on Pinterest with a vengeance.  Here’s a couple of images from this week that I’ve been admiring. Firstly H&M have tracked me down and started sending me catalougues, this cannot lead to good things.  I bought some stuff … Continue reading

Categories: baby, bedroom, cooking, duvet, food, links, photos, pinterest, recipe | Permalink

February 8, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Week 3 of parenthood

Well, lots has happened in the last 3 weeks and already my time with Nye seems to be going too quickly.  He’ll be a month old next week and that is a bit terrifying. I am amazed at how quickly … Continue reading

Categories: 9 to 5, baby, Happiness, new born, parenting, recommended, reviews, routine | Permalink

January 26, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

The start of the journey

So, it’s official I am a parent to a newborn. Today is my first day ‘going solo’ as Neil has had to return to work. So far I’ve successfully managed to change nappies, get dressed, feed our little one and … Continue reading

January 6, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

5 ambitions for 2012

Morning and Happy New Year! I thought I’d have a go at writing down some ambitions for 2012.  I have in the past had a habit of setting some rather tiresome goals for myself that tend to trip me up … Continue reading

Categories: 9 to 5, baby, cleaning, cooking, Decor, family, new year, tidying, to do, update | Permalink

December 30, 2011
by Jenni Clutten

36 weeks pregnant – 2012

So here I am, 36 weeks pregnant! For the duration of my pregnancy I’ve been reading various baby blogs which help me feel connected and calm about each stage of pregnancy. I’ve particularly enjoyed Monkey & Squirrel’s weekly bean updates. … Continue reading