Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

October 27, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

It occurred to me this week as I sat at a busy breastfeeding cafe just down the road, that 9 Months of Nye also means hitting the 9 months of breastfeeding milestone. My favourite breast feeding campaign by Sophie Barker & Kayleigh Brooks for Best Beginnings …

Categories: baby, , family, health, relationships |

October 18, 2012
by Jenni Clutten
1 Comment

Center Parcs Family Blogger 2012-13

After entering the Tots100 competition some weeks ago to win a chance to be a Center Parcs family blogger, I certainly did not expect to be one of the winners! But amazing as it is, I am, after I entered … Continue reading

Categories: baby, center parcs, children, family, holiday, promotion | Permalink

September 9, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Stylish Sunday

I am busy sulking over here as I was outbid at the last moment on what I believed would be the answer to all my sewing cupboard problems. *sigh* Damn you, whoever outbid me at the last 2seconds. Booooo This … Continue reading

Categories: baby, style, sunday | Permalink

September 8, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Summer Splashing

Neil is back at school but we’re reunited for the weekend! Here’s what we’ve been up to! It seems to be the simple things that Nye loves the most.  Splashing in water, banging on empty containers and screwing up paper … Continue reading

Categories: baby, family, summer, weekend | Permalink

August 16, 2012
by Jenni Clutten
1 Comment

7 Months Down

Nye was 7 months old yesterday and I feel already that I’m playing catch up trying to keep track of his latest developments. WeaningWeaning arrived at 6 months.  I was so excited to begin as he had started showing a real interest … Continue reading

July 6, 2012
by Jenni Clutten
1 Comment

Isabella Storksak Changing Bag

I was absolutely astonished on 1st July to the news that I had won my very own Storksak changing bag, via the lovely Emily @ A Mummy Too Blog.  I was so shocked I woke my husband up at 6am when I … Continue reading

Categories: baby, blogs, competion, storksak | Permalink

July 2, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

Baby Routine?

STAGE 1 – Getting to know you When a friend asked me what kind of routine I planned to do once the baby arrived I said I’d play it by ear.  I didn’t really read about parenting techniques, managed to … Continue reading

May 28, 2012
by Jenni Clutten

4 Month Update

Where did the time go?  Nye is now 4 months old and growing more and more every day. A few nights ago Neil and I looked over the photos of us all from the Hospital and it was unbelievable to … Continue reading

Categories: 9 to 5, baby, journey, motherhood | Permalink

April 17, 2012
by Jenni Clutten
1 Comment

12 Weeks progress

We have now passed the 12 week milestone and things are definitely changing day by day and hour by hour. I’ve been taking weekly photos of him and you can see the change! We have finally got into our own routine, it’s … Continue reading