Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

living arrows 28 & 29/52

July 21, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 2 Comments

living arrowsYour determination and spirit make me so proud.  You have a thirst for learning, taking everything in with all your senses, you do nothing by halves.  You can pull up to standing and drag yourself across a room, just with the strength in your arms.  It was a bit of a killer last week, as you have only taken cat naps before wanting to explore more.  You fall asleep in my arms full to the brim with milk, I wait and carefully transplant you to your cot before I exhale.  Then, as I quietly race down the stairs and turn to the kitchen, I place my fingers on the kettle. I hear your call and return back to my place on the sofa where you promptly fall asleep, I remain stuck underneath you.  Sometimes it makes me frustrated, there are just so many things to be done, but other times I just stare down at you knowing that tomorrow your hair will be longer, your eyes will be bigger and I won’t be able to get yesterday arrows.28 (1 of 1)-3living arrowsWe laugh daily at your theatrical nature, recounting your version of events with your eyes, words and body.  I cherish our little chats, especially as you start to remember friends and family and understanding the passing of time.  I told you the story of little red riding hood from my memory a few weeks ago and you often ask ‘story mummy’.  The story has changed quite a lot now, but the current version involves Nye, who is bringing a buzzby cake to his grandma, the wolf steals it, Grandad says ‘shoo away wolf’, then he says sorry and has tea and cake. When not chatting, you are ‘making cakes’ in the mud outside, offering out stones and rolling out play dough.  It’s safe to say you like cake!
aag.livingarrows. (1 of 1)Water plays a major part in our life, it is always such a great way of keeping you happy.  You make up your own games and sing songs, making up tunes and words if you can’t quite remember them.  You love to splash yourself and shock yourself with the cold water, screaming out with joy.  Today you sang humpty dumpty like we do at your swimming lessons and jumped into the bucket.  You so want to splash that you jump in when you sing ‘wall’ because you can’t wait for the ‘fall’.  eag.livingarrows. (1 of 1)-2A blissful moment of silence in what has been an exhausting week.  I barely dared to press the shutter to capture you,  terrified that I would disturb you.  You continue to grow up, strong, enquiring and happy (when you’re not causing havoc by refusing to settle in your cot).  You are most vocal at the dinner table.  When the food runs out, or others are eating without you, you crumple your nose up and inhale and exhale deeply to show your dissatisfaction with the situation.  You do it so often now that Nye does impressions of you, laughing to himself saying ‘Evie talking’.

Make your own ice lolly

July 15, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 2 Comments

make your own ice lolly

I had kind of forgotten just how easy it is to throw together delicious and fruity ice lollies, but I’m so glad I gave it a go. Here are my delicious recipes for how to make your own ice lolly, just perfect for a hot and sunny day.

I’ve so far made two different types of lollies this week, and both were delicious.  They were made straight from the contents of the fridge in a matter of minutes.  At a guess they take around 5 hours to freeze but this depends very much on your freezer, I find it helpful to make them in the morning and then they are ready for dinner time.  Of course lollies will always be a treat but I have diluted the juice and squash so it’s suitable for a toddler or a little taste for a baby if you’re feeling generous.  These lolly mould were from Tesco, but for a thrifty alternative you could make up your mix in an old yogurt pot and simply add in a lolly stick before sitting it in the freezer.

aag.july. (1 of 1)-4Tutti Fruity Lolly Ingredients:

  • Orange Juice (diluted)
  • Blueberries
  • Banana


  1. Half fill the lolly mold with the diluted orange juice
  2. Add a few blueberries to the bottom
  3. Place half a banana into the mold
  4. Add a few more berries to the top
  5. Top up the rest of the mold with orange juice

july.lolly (1 of 1)-5 Berry Blast Lolly Ingredients:

  • Blackcurrant Squash
  • Blueberries
  • Thick Greek Yogurt


  1. Half fill the lolly mold with diluted squash
  2. Add blueberries to bottom
  3. Add 3-4 Tablespoons of yogurt to the mold
  4. Add a few more berries
  5. Top up the mold with squash


Disclosure: This is my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots100 July challenge. If I’m chosen, I would like to visit Woburn Forest.

Living Arrows 19 / 20 / 21

May 28, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 0 comments

You have been tool mad these last few weeks, grabbing a screw driver to fix things.  Here you’ve managed to get your mits on a real one, but we’ve since bought a job lot of play tools to keep you busy.  An entire box of screws seemed like a good idea until you insisted on tipping the entire box out all over the floor, but what’s another mess…  You still love to use your kitchen and you roll out cakes from your playdough and cook it in the pan.  I admit I really enjoy playing in your ‘cafe’ with you where most things are free, and I even get paid to have food served to me sometimes!living arrowslivingarrows.eag.20.05 (1 of 1)-2I so wish I could take better photos of you and your brother together as these moments are my favourite.  I admit taking photos of one child is a challenge, to get you to together and not moving is near impossible.  You still love your brother more than anything, he makes you laugh like crazy and we often have no idea what it is that you find funny.  He man handles you, laying things over your head and pushing and pulling you and we tell him to be ‘careful’ and gentle but you are quick to forgive.  Thank goodness for your patience and good humour.

My goodness this week has been a challenge.  I satrted by trying to potty train you, but I admit, 4 days in I gave up.  The accidents were constant, you were intentionally resisting (or so it seemed).  Then as soon as you were back in nappies, of course, you were asking for the potty and have been a lot more successful.  Then when day turns to night there are the increasingly stretched out bed times.  After 2 years of the same bed time routine you’ve realised that you don’t have to play along.  Your delaying tactics extend further and further into the evening.  First you want a glass of milk, then to brush your teeth, to go to the toilet or  another book.  Then when I have finally coaxed you into bed, firmly confirming that 3 books are enough, you want every cuddly toy in the house in your bed and then to discuss every picture on your wall.  You pull on our heart strings, I wonder, am I depriving him, only reading him three books? What if he is dehidrated?  This parenting lark is not easy.
livingarrows.eag.15.05 (1 of 1)livingarrows.eag.20.05 (1 of 1)-5Your desire to explore is increasing, you are spending more time moving, energetically rolling around the floor or up and down in your bouncer. Often your brother likes to push you in it like a swing, and you grin back at him.   On your play mat you see something you like and you make a bee line for it.  You particularly like paper, the sound and texture of it, possibly the taste!?  I have no idea quite how you do it, but you can make your way across the living room floor.  It’s harder to keep you occupied, and that is taking it’s toll on my spare time but time passes quickly with you.

One of the joys of being your mum is the great pleasure of rediscovering childhood memories and sharing them with you. From games, to memories and back each new discovery for you is a joy.  For your first birthday we asked friends and family to give you a copy of their favourite books, so you now have a comprehensive library of books full of memories that I hope you will always treasure.  In the post office this week I saw this magic painting book and I knew that it would be perfect for you.  You loved seeing the colours emerge and naming the objects as you covered in page in water and I got to remember just how simple yet cool the whole idea is.
livingarrows.eag.25.5 (1 of 1)-3livingarrows.eag.28.05 (1 of 1) Evie darling, you are now oficially 6 months old. My goodness how on earth can it be!?  You are different to your brother. The most efficiant milk guzzler, fierce finger food eater and a highly vocal voice in this household.  We started giving you bits and pieces of food over the last two weeks and you’ve been immediately interested, already doing a good job of grabbing and shoving everything in your mouth.  You want to sit and eat with us at the dinner table and sit determined, concentraiting on the best path for food to make it to your mouth as quickly as possible.  You take us by surprise, we assume you’re not ready to be sitting in your high chair, but of course you are. You just surprise us every time, like you’ve been doing this stuff for years.  You are so young but it’s like you’ve already worked it all out.  My guess is you’ll never stop surprising us.

Living Arrows 17/52

May 5, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 1 Comment

Living ArrowsAs the nights aren’t so dark any more, I caught a lovely shot of you splashing in the bath.  We love bath times here, lots of chatter and giggling between you and your brother.  It’s an ordinary activity that we will no doubt do thousands of times before you grow big enough to just do it yourself.  I can barely imagine those days right now but I know soon I will find myself there, with a little girl and no baby.  Already there is talk of weaning, and suddenly I find myself feeling like I’m falling behind on the time scales.  Then I look at your ever growing face and realise that it all happens naturally, you have all that learning within you.
SONY DSC Living ArrowsI think it every week but you are just growing in every way, so quickly.  We say something, you repeat it and then somehow you know it.  You can remember it, even call on it at a later date.  You have started using more connective words, ‘and’ ‘ has made its first appearance as well as your first “Aneurin”.  It kind of seems crazy that it took you 2 years to know your full name.  That will serve us right for giving you such an unusual one I guess, but at least you have an interesting story to tell people.  You are happy, boisterous, busy and love to make us laugh.  Anything you do that raises a smile you do over and over, trying to get the same reaction.  Everyone says how happy you are, what a beautiful smile you have and we take it for granted.  You are of course difficult in equal measure, because you never do things by halves.

Nalgene Grip ‘n gulp review

April 29, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 1 Comment

grip 'n gulp reviewLike most mums I am always on the hunt for a reliable spill proof bottle that I can use while we are out and about.  So when I was recently asked if I would like to do a grip ‘n gulp review for Nalgene it seemed like the perfect opportunity to try a new product.

The first thing that struck me about the grip n’ gulp (in the ‘hoot’ design) is how sturdy it is.   The bottle itself is light but really durable, it feels instantly like a quality product.  This is exactly what you’d expect from Nalgene, a company that have been providing high quality products that have been taken up Everest by intrepid explorers.  I love how after cracking one extreme environment, they move on to the next, the toddler!  True though, toddlers are an ever changing, crazy whirlwind so it makes sense to market something truly hard wearing.

The bottle is easy to fill , the seal feels secure and is dishwasher safe.  The only downside I noticed from an adult perspective is that the valve used to drink from is quite firm, however this didn’t bother Nye at all.   He found it easy to hold and took to the design immediately.

SONY DSC grip 'n gulp

Here are my favourite features:

  • Side indents are easy for tiny hands to grasp
  • Rubberized lid and smooth plastic mouthpiece make drinking comfortable
  • Superior threading on cup and lid is engineered to prevent spills
  • Durable TritanTM resists odors, stains, and residue
  • Cup, lid, and removable sipper valve are all top rack dishwasher safe
  • Lid loop can be clipped to backpack, diaper bag, or stroller
  • This bottle is manufactured from Eastman Tritan TM copolyester that is manufactured without BPA

I received the Nalgene Frip ‘N Gulp free of charge for the purpose of this review.  All words, opinions and photography my own.

Living Arrows 14/52

April 7, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 4 Comments

Living ArrowsWe have lost hours just hanging out in the garden with our buckets, trowels and fishing nets, even in the rain.  Our pond is so big (and dangerous), but it provides so many interesting opportunities to explore nature.  A few weeks ago the frogs came to visit and you have loved seeing the frog spawn floating on the surface of the pond.  We donated some to pre school and you have been learning what it is, expanding your vocabulary in ways I never imagined.  Today you helped me by fishing out the buds from the pussy willow and tipping them into a bucket.

When you’re not in the garden you have become obsessed with monsters, dinosaurs and dragons and chase after me and daddy shouting ‘going to get you’. I enjoyed picking out some books for you at the library whilst you were at pre school this week, trying to pick out things I thought you’d like.  Your favourite book has been  about a big monster who does every mean thing he can think of to steal a lollipop from a smaller monster.
Living ArrowsLiving ArrowsIn your daddy’s arms is where you like to spend your time.  He carries you round in the crook of his arm, and even has you sitting on his knee whilst he eats his dinner (one handed.)  You two are bestest palls, he knows how to settle you and gives you a thousand kisses a day.  When you smile your whole face lights up and your dummy just drops to the floor as every muscle extends into a gummy grin.  Your happy disposition amazes us, you rarely fuss or complain you are just contented and we feel so lucky.  You are now gently settling into 3 nap times during the day and we are trying to put you down in your cot so you can get used to your own room.  Admittedly, at night we miss you when you aren’t snuggled up next to us in bed, but you soon return for your food.

Joining in with Living Arrows, last week I adored these big eyes.

New Parent Sleep habits

April 2, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 0 comments

new baby sleepSomehow Evie is now 4 months old and we are slowly starting to contemplate a vague bed time routine.  So far we’ve played it by ear and been exceedingly lucky that she has since birth, slept in 3 hour blocks through the night, inititally from around 11/12pm until 9am.  She’s awake more in the day now and I make an effort to stimulate her with conversation, play, laughter and fresh air when she is bright eyes and she now sleeps from about 9pm until 9am (waking for feeds every 3/4 hours).

Last month we completed a sleep diary as part of a Kiddicare project.  As part of this, they have put together some interesting infographics.  The first infographic covers sleep during pregnacy.  Part two of the series, which I’ve included below, is my favourite so far. The sleep stats by area in particular made me smile.  I think because all my family live in East Anglia, (I’m a Norfolk girl at heart) I like to think that even though I live in the South West, I’ve got those better sleep habits in my blood…

What are your new parent sleep tips?  Did you ever sleep when the baby sleeps or do you rush round in a manic cleaning panic like me?

Disclosure: Post in collaboration with Kiddicare, all words, pictures and opinions my own.

Living Arrows 13/52

March 31, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 3 Comments

Living ArrowsThis weekend the sun came back, and we spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon browsing the stalls of a french farmers market in our local town.  We choose baguette, crepes and cream cakes as the sun shone down and then headed off to the park for a run around.  You just loved the freedom of running around after a week inside due to the constant rain and then we treated ourselves to one of those little cakes.  There have been so many wonderful moments this week, a special mothers day present, lots of painting and creating together, as well as making a den in the garden where we had milk and biscuits.
SONY DSC SONY DSCAh my little Evie you are so different to how I remember your brother I can hardly believe it.  It reminds me how amazing nature is, all the endless possibilities that arise for character and temperament.  They are right when they say no two babies are the same.  You just love to sit up or be on your tummy, spreading out your arms and legs and determinedly holding your chest and head high. This week I felt the winds of change, you will no doubt be on the move in a month or two.  Can it really already be time for you to start practicing those first moment of independence?  You’re already grabbing for things and playing with your hands with purpose, what will be next?

Linking up with Living Arrows, last week I just loved the texture and fun in this jumping shot

Baby and Toddler Show Tickets Giveaway

March 23, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 11 Comments

logoFancy checking out whats new in baby and toddler world?  Then why not enter my giveaway below to win two free tickets to the baby and toddler show!  I don’t know about you but I love a time saving gadget, anything that makes life a bit easier.  Ever since I was pregnant with Nye it has been such a relief to go somewhere where everything is all in one place, and this is a perfect opportunity to see a really wide range of products and services.  No constant hopping in and out of the car, unsettling a new baby or wrangling an unwilling toddler.

2nd baby essentials
I know it can be a bit daunting when you are pregnant, just working out what you really will need.  I was totally clueless and didn’t want to spend a huge amount on things I didn’t need.  I found this article on what different people spend really interesting, personally we tried to get the very best deals, including buying second hand.  I also like to have a little splurge here and there and of course there are some things you really need to buy new like a mattress or car seat.

Thinking back there are lots of things we did buy that we have re-used for our second baby, as well as some new editions, including a maxi cosi car seat because it fits our new mountain buggy duet pushchair.  I will say this though, every family is different and it’s important to think about how a baby fits into your life.  We try out best to reduce the waste we have, so reusable nappies have been such a good investment.  Not only do they reduce waste, it’s such a nice feeling knowing what’s next to your precious newborns skin.  Hence why we also love using reusable wipes, cheeky wipes are a great example of how reusable wipes can fit into your everyday routine.

To be in with a chance to win two free tickets, just tell me what your must have baby item is using the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And if you’re not lucky enough to win the giveaway you can get 33% off the ticket price by using the code BWB31 here.

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Living Arrows 10/52

March 10, 2014 by Jenni Clutten | 9 Comments

living arrowsLast Monday all seemed well until I put you in the car after a run around in the park following preschool and then out of nowhere you were violently sick.  I pulled over to try and help but there was nothing I could do.  It was at that moment so overwhelming, to be faced with such a task, like a sea of vomit was coming to drown us!  I felt somehow ill equiped or ill prepared to see you so upset and in pain, for one of the only times since you were born, I felt lost.  It was not helped by the fact that the number one target of all this had been your beloved dog, he was festering in sick and I had to prize him out of your grasp.  It only made you sadder, and I wondered if I’d done the right thing, taking a beloved toy from a sick child!

I brought you inside and tried to settle you, give you some water, distract you from the fact dog was in the washing machine. Then later after cuddles (and the return of the dog,) in just your nappy you fell asleep on the sofa.  It was so out of character, I don’t think you’ve fallen asleep on the sofa since you were about 3 months old.  So disorientating, the realisation of how sick and exhausted you must be, to let your eyelids slip down and rest a while.  However, I was grateful to be able to capture you, lying there so still, sucking on your thumb.  I’m so glad you’re feeling better, even if I never get to capture this moment arrows

SONY DSCYou my darling are the only one who hasn’t been sick this week, you’re the smallest but clearly the strongest! Yesterday we spent time relaxing in the back garden for the first time, taking in the bright sunshine.  We laid you out in front of us to try and stop the sun from getting in your eyes and you were happy to taking in the changes in light and the variety of noises.  It’s Spring and it has coincided with your awakening, from a sleepy newborn bundle all cuddled up inside, to a baby adventuring out of her own cocoon more and more.

You are such a chatterbox, you love to take turns to gurgle back at us, watching our mouths and in turn vocalizing your own things.  I wonder what you are saying, but sure enough before I know it you’ll be able to tell us.  Time goes so fast and my heart aches as I pack away yet more baby clothes.  It’s so bittersweet to see you learn and grow, but I am so sad to think that every second gone, is one I’ll not get see again.