Ginger Bisquite

Lifestyle, DIY, Family & Food

Autumn Garden Flashback – How Does your Garden Grown


 Good morning and welcome to our autumn garden!  I took these photos on the day we got the keys for our new home, as I excitedly took in the views and Nye and I explored the greenery.  That was back in October and so the garden is now looking a tad different but I wanted to try and remember just how beautiful it was before winter sets in.


Elizabeth Gardens. Collage.2

Now that everything has started to die back I desperately need to get out the clippers and start planting our spring bulbs.  I just love the simplicity and vibrancy of daffodils and tulips and we went out to choose some to plant weeks ago which are yet to find themselves deep in the soil.  The drive to plant them is ever increasing but my ability to bend down is somewhat hindered by the enormous baby I’m carrying.  (It’s actually my due date today).  Perhaps I will try and plant some this afternoon before I go into labour and have even less time to get gardening done.

One task we have managed to do is to collect lots of seeds from the millions of marigolds that the previous owner had.  I have never thought to harvest seeds before but my dear friend Jess (who also happens to be a florist) advised me to do so and it seems silly to throw away good seeds!  Neil also noticed that the gladioli seeds were ready to harvest so we have also stored these.  I understand that Gladioli seeds don’t flower for several years so I suppose I better plant these up in the spring.

autumn gardenWe also have a raised bed, two vegetable/fruit beds and a greenhouse.  These were mainly cleared when we moved in but the previous owners did leave us their last harvest of tomatoes and lots and lots of giant runner beans.  In the raised bed I have already planted up some garlic and onions.  I planted two different varieties of each to see how they grow.  I noticed yesterday that some of the onions had already started sprouting, I have no idea if they are meant to be doing this yet as I have never grown them before but I’m rather chuffed that I was organised enough to get them planted.

I’ve also planted a head of rhubarb but as it is a perennial I planted it in the main garden by the pond.  It’s slightly shaded by the tree and behind loads of roses so who knows if it will take or even if I plated it correctly.  So far these are the only things I came across that could be planted at this time of year but I will happily take tips on anything else I can be doing.’m now trying to be organised and make a list of all the things I’d like to grow next year.  I ordered a seed catalog a few weeks ago which I have been flicking through, but there are so many things it’s difficult to concentrate on what we would actually use.  Realistically the things that would be really useful to have would be, potatoes, onions, garlic, broccoli, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, salad leaves, courgettes, raspberries and strawberries.  Nye gets through apples like nobodies business so I’m also thinking about buying a tree to grow up the side wall. (No idea how feasible this is or just how many years it will take to get any fruit…) We already have lots of rosemary growing but we regularly use thyme, basil, oregano and coriander as well so I’d like to plant some of these when the time comes.  I keep thinking there must be somewhere that sells a basic variety of seeds or even seedlings for a small home fruit and vegetable garden but I haven’t come across quite what I’m looking for just yet.  If anyone has any tips on where they buy their seeds and/or plants and what they have had success with I would love to hear from you.  I quite like the idea of growing butternut squash but I have no idea if that is even possible for a novice like myself.

Mammasaurus - How Does Your Garden Grow?
I am linking up with this weeks How Does Your Garden Grow post on the Mammasaurus blog.


  1. What a fab view form your garden – oh I’d love one like that! I love how the bolder deep red colours stand out against your house too, really striking. Roll on Spring I say – can we fast-forward through Winter, stopping briefly for Christmas ?

    We start work on our garden next year – I can’t wait to make plans! Thanks ever so much for joining in and bringing some sunshine into the grey day x

    • Thank you, I have to admit that I still cannot take my eyes off the view, the sky changes every day as does the colour of the landscape.

      I am with you on the roll on spring. I think I will have just about come out of my new born baby coma by then so I kind of expect winter to pass in a blur. Good luck with your garden plans, we also have SO much to do, but first I just need to rake up all the leaves.

  2. oh my goodness…. congratulations on the new place. it looks absolutely beautiful! those views…. looks like you got your work cut out for you ;)

    • Thanks for dropping by, yes we definitely have our work cut out. Lets just hope it still looks this organised this time next year.

  3. It looks like you have a wonderful new garden space to explore. I visited Ryton Organic Gardens a while back and they had squashes growing in pots-I had no idea this would work but might give it a try in Soring.

    • Ooh thank you, I think I shall have look for some seeds then. I am hoping I can grow quite a few things in the greenhouse.

  4. ooh I think your new garden will look absolutely gorgeous and with that view for a back drop, I bet you will love spending next summer just sitting out there relaxing.

  5. Wow you’ve been busy and the photos are stunning. What a wonderful home and just in time for baby too by the sound of it – well done! I have made a habit of visiting all local garden centres to try and work out which one fits best with different requirements. I do still do some shopping online too, however and I the moment I really like the Crocus website as the advice sections are excellent and service/plants received to date has been first class. Good luck with everything in the coming weeks xx

    • Thanks for the website tip, I almost ordered my tulip bulbs off Crocus but they seemed to have sold out on all the ones I wanted. I must have good taste ;) Thank you for the luck, we will definitely need it!

  6. we’ve just moved to a new house too, and it is so interesting taking over someone else’s garden… seeing what unexpectedly pops up! the previous owner wasn’t a particularly keen gardener I don’t think, but we have inherited a rather magnificent apple tree! x

    • It is an odd feeling taking over someone else’s garden, especially in our case someone who clearly really loved gardening. Our last garden was just a big pile of broken furniture and brambles when we moved in. I’m nervous to disturb too much here as I have no idea if there are spring bulbs lurking. A good time to move in with an apple tree, hopefully you’ve been able to make use of it already.

  7. Oh, I love the view from your garden! How wonderful :) You have been busy, but it’s lovely hearing about all your plans!

  8. What a view!! Allotinabox are good and also The Real Seed Catalogue – their seeds are ‘true’ rather than hybrid making them perfect for seed saving. There’s info about it on their website. Can’t wait to see your vision for your garden unfold, especially all your home grown produce :) I’ve only been in my house for 8 weeks so I think we’re at the same sort of stage. Lots of planning and ground work. I want Spring to come so I can start growing but also want to enjoy Autumn!

    • Ooh thank you so much for the tips, I hadn’t heard of The Real Seed Catalogue, I’ve actually just ordered all my seeds from there and I can’t wait to get them. Now I just have the potatoes to track down. Good luck with your garden, you’re right there is lots of planning to be done.

  9. I think it would be worth it to get an apple tree. My little one has produced apples every year so far, although this was the first year that we actually ate any. The dog thought it was a dog ball tree and kept stealing them and the littlest boy kept taking nibbles while they were still on the tree! Wishing you all the best for the new arrival! I was busy as a bee in the garden before my first was born. I even insisted on popping to the garden shop at the begining of labour:-)

    • Oh wow, apples already I’m really amazed. I think I will have to track one down, now I just have to decide where to plant it. I can absolutely imagine my dog chomping down on the low bearing fruit.

  10. Gorgeous garden to take over! I was out gardening with a week to go before my due date, hoping it would help spur on labor – my neighbors thought I was crazy 9 months pregnant and mulching and digging holes.

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one wanting to get my boots on! It hasn’t worked yet, I obviously need to do some more leaf raking.

  11. Pingback: 30. How Does Your Garden Grow? — Mammasaurus

  12. Pingback: Picking Seeds for 2014 | Ginger Bisquite

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